Our Implementation Plan – The AJAXWorkspace Story… Part 3

Our current implementation plan includes building an online collaboration workspace, called AjaxWorkspace. It is a virtual office where user can work, communicate and collaborate with their teammates to complete a task in a centralize location. Users do not need to be physically together in order to accomplish a task. It offers a bunch of collaboration tools to help users to collaborate with each other in a secured online workspace. 

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The Collaboration Idea – The AJAXWorkspace Story… Part 2

I  believe many small and mid-size companies, organizations and individuals are not aware of the benefits of online collaboration tool. Apart from this, they too are having difficulties to own enterprise collaboration software which needs high maintenance cost and expertise. Hence, a powerful yet affordable online collaboration service is the best solution to fit in their needs. Our idea is to create an online collaboration workspace which enables everyone to communicate, share information, create tasks and keep track of all the tasks’ status.

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Why Collaboration Important – The AJAXWorkspace Story… Part 1

I decided to write some story about AJAXWorkspace after launched my first official release in August 2007. Firstly, let me explain what is the problems occur during my daily job.  Why online collaboration is important?

In this modern era, many organizations, companies and individuals have yet to own their private collaboration space or portal to store their information in order to ease them in managing daily business activities, completing projects and organizing events. They will still depend on the traditional methods which are either via email or local file server to communicate and exchange documents.
They will have then faced the difficulties of managing the project, checking status and keeping track the progress. In addition, management personnel too will face the difficulties of knowing the inside out of the entire project. They do not have the full picture of the resource utilization and how is the progress of the project. Information seems to be invisible and appears everywhere (in mail, file server or local machine). This will result in a poor project management, high operation cost and poor resource allocation risk. If things go worst, the particular project might end up as a failure.

Read the rest of the story here >

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