MS ASP.NET AJAX v1.0 validator issues

I guess everybody know that MS ASP.NET AJAX is having problem validation controls. This issues exists long time ago and become a hot topic in community forum. What happen to Microsoft? The final release is put up with no notice about the fact that this requires some other update which has not been released.

Now, there is a HotFix to solve this problem:

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“Function sequence error” in bcp with xp_cmdshell

Do you ever get “Function sequence error” when running bcp with xp_cmdshell? The stored procedure executed fine.

SQLState = HY010, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Function sequence error

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Large MS SQL transaction log problem

You probably encounter issue where you have large transaction log but small data file, e.g 40GB transaction log and 60MB database.

Take a look at:

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Converting DT_TEXT into DT_NTEXT

If you trying to extract data from a flat file and got the following error:

Error 1 Validation error. Extract Interface Message ID Data: Extract Interface Message ID Data [1]: The data type for “output column “InterfaceMessageBody” (54)” is DT_NTEXT, which is not supported with ANSI files. Use DT_TEXT instead and convert the data to DT_NTEXT using the data conversion component.

It looks like one or more column datatype in the FlatFile Source has become DT_NTEXT instead of DT_STR.
You can try the following steps to rectify the error:

  1. Right Click the Flat File Source Component that is generating this error.
  2. Choose “Show Advanced Editor” from the context menu and then the “input and output properties” tab on the dialog box that appears.
  3. Click on the + sign beside “Flat File Source Output” node in the treeview on the left side of the dialog box.
  4. Click on the + sign beside “output columns” node in the treeview just below “Flat File Source Output” node. You would see all the columns available in the text file.
  5. Select each column one after another and check their dataType property on the Right side of the Dialog box.
  6. If the datatype is DT_NTEXT then change it to DT_STR.
  7. Repeat step 6 for the all the columns where if columns datatype is DT_NTEXT.

* Thanks to Ritesh Modi for the solution.