Send notification when someone approve/reject an approval workflow

Is there any form of notification being sent to the submitter of the page?
Yes, default approval workflow does have the following email notification

  1. Requesting approval email notification
  2. Email notification to contributor regarding approved / rejected pages from the approval.

Here are the steps:

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MOSS People Picker cannot search AD users from other domains

This post is contributed by my colleague, Abi. I would like to share out here since it is very usefully.

If you have MOSS users in different AD domains, and for dunno wat reason you can’t seem to search these users in the MOSS’s PeoplePicker, run a stsadm command to add the information about the those domains where the user is located.

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Adobe PDF IFilter for SharePoint Indexing and Searching

First, there is a long post describe how to setup this features.

Here are some steps need to be aware of:

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More posts from our SharePoint team…

I am currently working in a consultant company offers MS solution in my home country. We split in to several groups base on our skills and experience. Each of the group will focus on certain technology such as MS CRM, Axapta, Business Intelligence, SharePoint, .net development and etc. I am in the SharePoint and .net development team. Recently, I got chance to work in MS Business intelligence like SSAS, SSRS, BSM and the latest MS Performance Point Server 2007. Hence, I seldom post much articles on SharePoint. However, I got some colleagues actively working in SharePoint and always share their problem and solution among our team. So, I plan to put these useful posts in to this blog as well. Just to share out and for my own reference too. Check out the posts soon!

* Special thanks to SC, Abi, LJ and RC who share out their problem and solution. I will put in their full name if they agree to do so 😛