Compress VPC image size

Just to log down here is a good reference to teach you how to compact VPC image’s size

IE 6 support Windows NT 4?

Yes. If you are looking for the installer. Get it here

Please take note that IE6 require Windows NT 4.0 with the high encryption version of Service Pack 6a and higher:

Disable right click on SQL reporting services report in SharePoint 2007

We are working on SharePoint Workspace with Business Intelligence solution. There some report build with reporting services show in SharePoint page. Then, we come across a special requirement that the client do not allow user to “Right click” on the entire SharePoint page including the reports. If you are using page viewer or report web part to view the report in native mode, you will never able to include your JavaScript to disable the right click. This is because it using iFrame to link to the report. To overcome this problem, there are 3 steps need to be done.

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How to solve slow reponse with ASP.NET AJAX in IE 6?

As mentioned in my previous articles (ASP.NET AJAX very slow in IE 6), the problem come from IE 6 it self response slow in managing AJAX big resource file such javascript and DOM object. Here are some steps can be done to solve it:

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